7:30 am | Registration & Breakfast |
| Session 1 |
8:30 am | One Year of Mineral-X: Jef Caers, Founder, Mineral-X |
8:45 am | A New Era for the Copperbelt: Building the Lobito Corridor - Peter Handley, former European Commission Deputy to the Director, Head of Unit, DG GROW
- Helaina R. Matza, Acting Special Coordinator for the Partnership of Global Infrastructure Investment, U.S. Department of State
Moderator: Kurt House, CEO, KoBold Metals |
9:25 am | Characterizing Mingomba, Zambia: Where Artificial Intelligence Meets Human Intelligence - Damian Burch, Director of Data Science, KoBold Metals
- Fanuel K Banda, Chief Mining Engineer, Kobold Zambia
10:00 am | Break |
| Session 2 |
10:15 am | Spurring Investments in the Critical Mineral Supply Chain - Connie Chan, General Partner, Andreessen Horowitz
- Ryosuke Sasaki, Project Lead, Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas)
- Rajesh Swaminathan, Partner, Khosla Ventures
- Francis MacDonald, CEO Li-FT
Moderator: Shievani Upadhyay, Stanford Graduate School of Business |
11:15 am | Shaping the Future of Mining - Jack Masangu, Deputy CEO, Gecamines
- Jocelyn Kelly, Director of Gender Rights & Resilience, Harvard Humanitarian Initiative
- Nina Astillero, ESG Director, Ioneer, Women in Mining representative
Moderator: David Yin, Managing Director, Mineral-X |
12:00 pm | Lunch |
12:30 pm | Lunch Talk: The Knowledge Machine: How Irrationality Created Science Michael Strevens, Professor of Philosophy, New York University |
| Session 3 |
1:00 pm | Community Engagement in Mineral Exploration - Laura Blanco, ESG Director, Xcalibur Smart Mapping
- Thais Laguardia, Director of ESG & Safety, Ero Brasil
- Chad Yeftich, VP Corporate Development & External Affairs, Ioneer
Moderator: Doris Hiam-Galvez, Senior Advisor @ Hatch | Board Director |
1:45 pm | Country-Scale Natural Resources Mapping - Sarah Ryker, USGS Associate Director for Energy & Mineral Resources
- Inacio Melo, President, Geological Survey of Brazil
- Dr. Nguyen Van Nguyen, Deputy Director General, GDGMV, Vietnam GS
- Grace Okpala, Director, National Geosciences Information Centre, Nigeria
Moderator: Andres Blanco, CEO, Xcalibur Smart Mapping |
2:45 pm | Break |
| Session 4 |
3:00 pm | Nickel and Lithium Ore Systems: Supply and Demand - David Strang, CEO, Ero Copper
- Simon Jowitt, Professor of Economic Geology, University of Nevada Reno
- Peter Lightfoot, Chief Geologist, Nickel, KoBold Metals
- Francis MacDonald, CEO Li-FT
Moderator: John Thompson, PetraScience, Kobold Metals |
4:00 pm | Innovations in Geophysical Solutions - Teo Hage, Australia & Asia Managing Director, Xcalibur Smart Mapping
- Jack Muir, Head of Machine Learning, Fleet Space Technologies
- Doug Schouten, CTO & Co-Founder, Ideon Technologies
Moderator: Tom Hunt, VP of Technology, Kobold Metals |
4:45 pm | Innovations in Mining and Processing Technology - KaLeigh Long, CEO, Westwin Elements
- Philip Lypaczewski, CTO, LithologIQ
5:15 pm | Networking Reception |